Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This week while in Target I was playing around with some silk floral stems and arranged them just so in this pretty woven vase:
I thought of how nice it would look tucked away in the corner of a room in our house, like the dining room or bedroom, which are rooms that haven't been given much attention in the way of decor.

Unfortunately, I wasn't willing to spend $80 on this compilation, no matter how sweet and custom designed it may be. The vase alone was $30 and the individual stems totaled $50.

So I made a trip to Hobby Lobby (which rivals Target in my list of favorite places) to see if I could duplicate it, being that their supply of silk flowers and vases puts Target to shame. I've also never been in Hobby Lobby where they weren't having a 50% off sale in the floral department!

I came up with this:

Vase $11.50
15 stems for $16
With tax, total of $29
Beating Target at their own game - PRICELESS! (Aaron made me include that line).


  1. Way to go Emily! And it's beautiful!

  2. Try some flea markets as well...might be able to beat Hobby Lobby's prices!!!!!! I do!! It's fun!
    Love, Aunt Annie
