Friday, February 4, 2011

Life is wonderful, enjoy it slowly.

If there was one phrase to summarize the meaning of Pura Vida, that would be it.

Other expressions it represents include:
"plenty of life"
"full of life"
"this is great"
"thank you"

and our favorite:
"this is living!"

We discovered this phrase on our honeymoon in Costa Rica, 4 months ago. Though it is not limited to that country, Costa Ricans use the term to express the philosophy of perseverence, and strong community. Urban dictionary says it's the "law of the land." Wikipedia says they also use it to remind themselves to be resilient in overcoming difficulties with a good spirit. No wonder it was stuck in our brains long after we returned to Ohio, settled into our house together, celebrated the holidays, and dove into winter.

Naturally when the idea to start a blog surfaced and soon after the discussion of what to call it, Pura Vida seemed to be more than fitting. What an inspirational way to philosophize a new marriage and life in general.

It is wonderful - enjoy it slowly - whatever difficulty comes your way, think: Pura Vida.

I can't promise this blog will always provide you with interesting, exciting, or funny reading. Some days I will be writing and there may be philosophy or general updates. Then of course, some days Aaron will be writing and he will share geeky observations and humor. Anyone who has met Aaron knows that is about 70% of his make-up.

This is our blog. Bookmark, add to favorites, and drop in unexpectedly - we'll do the rest.

Pura Vida,
-The Robinsons



  2. I am going to really enjoy following your blog. Only question, isn't the 70% a little low? Love you both!
